
Wednesday 17 October 2012

Creating a Work from Home Business

Creating a Work from Home Business
Part 1

Beating the Corporate Myth
Whether you work for a small business or a huge corporation, you will have (at some time) been told that you are privileged to be working for such a company. Sometimes employers tend to use this as an advantage to get their employees to increase their work performance, which does nothing in increasing the employee’s wage, but certainly raises the profit margins of the business.
How many times have you been intimidated by an employer “hinting” that you need to pick up your performance to keep your job? The trouble is, business are implementing ways and means of improving staff efficiency and performance, but do not alter  the employee’s wage or salary to reflect these improvements.
Then there are those businesses that warn of staff “cut backs” to reduce the running costs and retain their viability in a competitive market. More often than not, this is purely a scare tactic used by business to force employees to guard the job by putting in more effort.
These tactics are being implemented by nearly all businesses. It doesn’t matter whether you are employed as a counter hand at the corner deli, or in marketing of a major manufacturing company, you will always be prone to having these tactics used against you.
Job security is outdated and should always be considered as such. To top it off, your wage or salary will never truly reflect your efforts or loyalty to any company.

How do you create your own job security?
There are really only two choices available to employees. Either you tow the line and become a puppet to these companies, or you make the move towards independently creating your own source of income and job security. This may sound like an awfully large and dangerous step to take, but it’s not that difficult to achieve.
Many dissatisfied employees and now making the transition to internet marketing and eventually leaving their full time employment to work from home. Notice the word eventually used in that last sentence, because despite the hype about making an instant fortune overnight with internet marketing, it simply doesn’t happen that way. If it did, then companies would be forced into liquidation because there would be nobody for them to hire.
Many people who have quit their current jobs to open their own business, whether it be their own store or contracting business, have failed. Usually these failed businesses have cost tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars to create. Up to 85% of small businesses fail in the first year whereas only 35% fail after 10 years of being in business. This is an extremely high number of business failures in the small business sector.
Internet marketing has a much higher failure rate in the first two years, but the financial losses are negligible. The benefits of creating a home-based internet marketing business are many fold, but the most important reason is time-framing. That’s right! A much higher success rate is found amongst those people who took plenty of time to create their business. Impatience is the single biggest reason for failure in home-based internet marketing, whereas inexperience is the single biggest cause of failure in the small business sector.
A home-based internet marketing business can be created over a period of time (up to two years) which allows your level of experience to grow with your new business. This is where impatience will definitely to your business failure, IF YOU ALLOW IT TOO.
It is so easy to see why people allow impatience to become their worst enemy. They have fallen victim to the abundance of false gurus, on the internet, who claim to have the hidden secret to instant riches.

“Learn how I made $30,000 in the first month of my business. It is so easy that you too can be making this sort of money as well.”

“Let me show you the loophole I found that allows me to make a six figure income every month.”

“Take a look at the screenshot of my income for the last twelve months. You too can make this sort of money by purchasing my marketing software.” (They don't tell you that the figures show the sale of their product to people like you, not by people actually using the product)

Forget all this bull***t hype that is readily available on the internet. Forget the dream of huge instant wealth. Never believe any person that claims to absolutely guarantee your success. Instead let your commonsense prevail and guide you and listen to words of encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.

"Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.”           
~ John Quincy Adams

"Put up in a place where it’s easy to see. The cryptic admonishment, T. T. T. When you feel sometimes how slowly you climb. It’s well to remember that Things Take Time."
~ Piet Hein

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
~ Steve Jobs – Co-founder of Apple and Pixia

Take in all the information from the internet and study it closely. You will be able to decipher the absolute nonsense from the factual content. It is imperative that you start your journey on the right compass heading. There are a lot of so called mentors out there that promise to coach you to success. By all means follow them, if you have a very healthy bank balance.
Simply put, the best advice you could receive is to;
·         take your time and research before you commit
o        Document your research so that you compile your own library of “on hand” information to work with
·         if you are currently employed, start on a part-time basis
o        Take the time to build your business to a level where it is capable of replacing your current wage
·         if working on a strict budget, start using free (or affordable) software
o        Remember that you only get what you paid for. Sometimes free products are inferior in quality, but will suffice until your business creates the income to upgrade the tools of your trade
·          Accept the fact that you will have failures with some of your marketing strategies and promotions. They are inevitable.
o        When you fail at any part of your business development, stop what you are doing and analyze your failure, make the necessary changes and try again
o        Repeat the above until you succeed
·         Create accounts with multiple blogging sites. These can be a useful source of information.
o        You may even come across someone who has successfully overcome the problem you are facing.
Most importantly, never allow yourself to become distressed or complacent. Compile a document of inspirational and motivational quotes from famous and successful business people and celebrities. Most of their quotes are based on real life situations. Refer to your list of quotes on a regular basis.
It is most important to remember the reason you made the decision to enter into a home-based internet marketing business.
This alone is your motivation to succeed in creating your own job security.

If you found this article informative, then please keep your eyes open for part 2 in the series on “Creating a Work from Home Business”

This series of articles will be placed in the article archives on my website in November 2012.
Alternatively you can email me for any information on article availability.

The website is going through a stage of upgrades at the moment, so please be patient.

Next issue; Let’s get started
Includes topics on goal setting and time management

© 2012 – Income Harvests

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Welcome to Income Harvests

Income Harvests is a business dedicated to harvesting incomes from more than one business opportunity or market. It is also dedicated to helping others in establishing a home based business. We, at Income Harvests, know only too well just how much time and commitment is required to create such a business that a single person can comfortably operate.
Online marketing, or internet marketing, is one form of business that fits the criteria for a perfect work at home business. Don’t get conned into thinking that just because you set up a home based internet marketing business that you are going to have an abundance of spare time to socialize or take vacations, etc. This is what all the so called “gurus” will tell you because they want you to buy their product, use their coaching clinic, or to believe they have developed a “super” new system of making big bucks online.
These gurus fail to tell you that even if you buy their product or service, your chance of success is, in reality, no better then anyone else using other products and services.

Income Harvests makes no such promises or give misleading or false information to convince you to do any of the above. In fact, the opposite is the reality. We do offer products for sale, but you’ll find no sales pitch to mislead you. Yes we do offer a paid membership, but the rewards far exceed the cost of joining.
One of the goals of Income Harvests is to establish a FREE “newbie’s” community that assist people in getting started in internet marketing (see our Community page).


More and more people are searching for that opportunity that will allow them to work at home. A home based business, if built correctly with the right planning and time framing, WILL eventually pay dividends. If you are not a patient person and are not prepared to take the time to develop your business properly, then you will certainly become one of those people that join the ranks of the 97% failures in this industry. Although not difficult to create, a home based business will demand a lot of your time and constant diligence in the beginning.
“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”
~ Thomas A. Edison
You will spend a lot of time and effort in tweaking your business and possibly even redefining you business’ operations and procedures, to maximize its success. 
Don’t be fooled by believing it is all a “bed of roses”. Remember the reason why you decided to opt for a home based business and use it as your motivation to succeed.

Affiliate marketing involves marketing another person’s or company’s product or service in return for commissions. You refer people to these businesses and are paid for purchases made. Usually this involves either having a money making website or other form of marketing, such as email marketing, social marketing, or mobile marketing.
Affiliate marketing is possible the one form of online marketing best suited as a work at home business opportunity.

Article writing can also be another lucrative source of income for your new business. Blogging has more benefits than just being able to tell the world about what is happening in your life. Blogging can have a huge influence in sending traffic to your website, thus increasing generated income.
Writing articles that attract holds the interest of the reader and convinces them that they actually want to visit your website, is a powerful tool for any business. Effective article writing may also attract interest from people who are willing to pay you for writing articles for them.

“A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts”.
~ Richard Branson
Many will advise you that choosing a single to market to is the only way to do business. This may work for some, but certainly not for everyone. Putting all your eggs in one basket may turn out to be a foolhardy exercise if the basket is dropped. Depending on how your business is designed to operate, choosing more than one niche is a wise move.

Internet marketing has certainly made it possible for many work at home businesses to function profitably over the passed decade. The future for this industry looks even brighter for the coming decades. Communication systems, including the internet, can only improve. Huge corporations are already allocating billions of dollars to secure their piece of the communications pie.

We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur
in the next ten. Don't let yourself be lulled into inaction”.
~ Bill Gates
 “In today’s world, working for yourself is actually the safer route, and working for a corporation has become the riskier propositions.”
~ Paul Zane Pilzer,
Nobel Prize Winning Economist and Author


                                                 Income Harvests. Here for the long haul

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Repossess your life by starting an internet online marketing business, or an e-marketing business. Are you looking for a job that will change your lifestyle? An e-marketing business could well be your best hope. After all it is the fastest growing industry, IN THE WORLD

Most of us have worked a 9-5 job for a lifetime and have zip to show for it. There was a time when everyone used to dream about spending his or her retirement years in comfort, but the reality is that those times have long passed.

In the times when economic growth was at its absolute peak, in the 60's, 70's and 80's, all of this was not unrealistic. If, like me, you lived and worked during that era then you would most definitely have purchased your own home and were financially secure. As with every rule, there is always an exception, and I was one of those exceptions. Rather than build a "nest egg" for my future, I led a fast paced lifestyle, and generally spent my hard earned money on everything but my future.

Now, getting very close to what is considered the normal retirement age, I find myself with little time to replace all my squandered money. The fact is I would need a whole new lifetime of working to achieve that. Until recently, I hadn't really given it a lot of thought until I stumbled upon an article on working from home opportunities. The growth rate of this "new era" format of business may well be my securing my comfortable, retirement after all. Although I wasn't familiar with what is involved in creating such a business, I made the effort to find out everything I needed to know.

Now I have a business goal in place and have achieved a long lost sense of motivation, and find myself launching into an exciting new field. I have painstakingly built a working from home website ( and have started my first marketing campaign. I am not foolish enough to think there won’t be any stumbling blocks along the way, but I am well prepared in case I run into any.

When building my website I decided to incorporate paid membership by offering members selection of free ebooks to download, plus a selection of free video tutorials to view. I then decided to add a "Community" page where "Newbies" to any working from home venture may visit and look for help from other newbies. They can also post information to other newbies on a new and successful marketing strategy they have carried out or any other topic they wish to discuss.

~^~ I will be storing and analyzing all this newbie information on my personal database, for a new ebook that I hope to create in the future. ~^~

To all you newbies out there, I wish you prosperity with your venture, but if you are encountering problems or need assistance, perhaps you might give thought to joining our COMMUNITY

When you spend a minimum of 24% of a whole week (33% of at least 5 days) in a job that makes someone else rich, you get to thinking that "life is a bitch". Your job will have a massive impact on both your family life and social life. Most of the time you exist with little, or no, money for any form of basic luxury. Don't you think it is time for a change? Try a work from home business

Thursday 23 August 2012

E-marketing - The Newbie's view point

Most people who get into e-marketing, usually do so because the have either surfed the net looking for “work from home opportunities” or have received an email promoting these opportunities.
Nearly all these people are looking for;

  •  Part time income supplement. 
  • Complete income replacement. 
  • Being able to work from home, either part time, or full time.
  • Chasing the dream of financial freedom or accumulating vast wealth.
That’s right! We have all seen the paraphernalia and online promotions that promise to ensure that you get all that. Many of us baulk at what is involved in getting started. I don’t know the percentages of people who are put off by all this and don’t proceed past the enquiry stage, but I would bet it is a high figure.

I know when I made my first attempt at getting started in e-marketing, I was so unsure of myself and my ability that I failed miserably. I was confronted with a host of things I needed to do to be successful, but knew nothing about. What I have since discovered as being something easy to master, I was intimidated by, back then

Anyone considering getting involved in e-marketing should spend time and effort in getting to know all there is to know about things like;
  •  List building. 
  • Email marketing. 
  • Writing marketing emails. 
  • Autoresponders
  •  Business plans and strategies
  •  Goal setting 
  • Website building plus keyword research and other SEO undertakings 
  • Blogging 
  • Social media marketing 
  • “Niche” marketing 
  • Article writing 
  • Creating videos
  •  Affiliate marketing.
  •  Etc; etc; etc

Time spent researching all these things prior to entry into e-marketing, will surely increase the likelihood of you succeeding.

I am still a “Newbie” in the industry, by any standard, but I have a whole new plan of attack. I have set my GOAL and spent the time researching and building my knowledge database, developing a strong business plan and strategies, researching niches within the industries, creating a website and blogs, creating a “social media marketing” program, product research, and finally, gotten started.

I can’t believe how high my motivation and self belief are with this attempt at e-marketing. I am in for the long haul and I am fully committed to achieving my personal goal. I am even going to create a “Community of Newbies” so that each community member will be able to seek or give information on overcoming the obvious hurdles that Newbies WILL encounter.
I am full documenting everything I do so that it will act a Newbie FAQ database for future e-marketing Newbies.

If you are either thinking of becoming involved in e-marketing, or have just started, get involved in the newbie community I am building. It could well be some of the best sources of help available to you. Of course the community is in its infancy now, but it could develop into a massive help centre, in time.

Successful e-marketing to you all 
from Income Harvests

Saturday 11 August 2012

Taking a break

Friday Night I decided to take a break over the weekend and do absolutely nothing for the weekend. All I can say is that I hope I am far more successful at e-marketing than I am at taking a break.
I woke up Saturday with absolutely nothing on my mind, except relaxing and spending the day with my two dogs, WRONG!

I visited a mate and found him pulling a set of shelving from his shed wall. How he hoped to achieve that without injuring or killing himself, is beyond me. I guess you can see where this is going........

Being the good Samaritan that I am, I helped him get the shelving down, only to discover that his carpentry skills are next to non-existent. So! What do I do? I go home and load my car up with all my tools and spend the rest of the day sawing, cutting, drilling, etc, until behold a new dartboard in its own cupboard set in the middle of the old shelving.

Now! Sunday morning has come, has arrived and I find myself sitting at my computer,  getting back into working on my website and re-hashing over my business plan, schedules and campaigns.
It took "taking a break" to show me that I belong in e-marketing.
Part of my Goals for my business is to be able to take a break whenever I feel like it. I guess I'll just have to wait until then.
Sorry dogs

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Website Building

Spent the whole day working on building my website. I am building it on my PC instead of online so I can experiment with images etc. I change my mind about things so often that by doing it on my PC I am not continually uploading new stuff and deleting unwanted stuff. Hopefully I will register my domain on Friday, but I don't think the website will be finished until around Tuesday, next week.

I am soooooo looking forward to getting it up and launched. I have even bought SEO site optimization software and will run the finished product through it before publishing. Each day I feel my motivation levels rising, and the keener I become to wanting to get stuck into it. I know patience is a virtue and I need to take my time and be thorough, to eliminate pitfalls on start up.

Checking the current status of my progress against my planned schedule, I find I am just over two weeks ahead of my planned launch. I can't work out whether it is because I am so driven at the moment, or whether I am having less hiccups that I imagined I would.


I feel that I deserve a reward, so tonight I might just knock off before midnight. ALLELUIA!

Monday 6 August 2012

Too late in life?

Okay! So I am 61 and quickly approaching the average "retirement" age for most people. As I squandered all my hard earned money during my working years on nothing but having a good time, I find myself facing retirement without any form of "nest egg". Had I known back then that I was going to spend the last 14 years on a pension, I would have led my life differently and more frugally.
I guess I have only a few years to build that nest egg that I should have built over my working years. Well! I have done the research and read all the hype on network marketing and e-marketing. I tried my hand at network marketing, but soon discovered that I am not someone who can look someone in the eye and try and convince them that they should be buying the product/s I offer.
E-marketing, on the other hand, relieves me of the discomfort and inability of selling products on a personal level. Everything is done online and I don't have to present my sales pitch face-to-face.

Once again there is a lot of hype on e-marketing by supposed "gurus" who are reportedly earning ridiculous amounts of money. Maybe it's their sales pitch and maybe some of them are honestly stating their real earnings, but I am not into e-marketing to earn an unbelievably high bank balance. I am merely trying to accumulate enough of a nest egg for my retirement.

With my business plan and strategies in place, I find myself full of confidence, desire and motivation. I have even set goals and time-frames, read all the data on e-marketing and here I am doing what I should have been doing 40 years ago.

I don't need people to wish me luck because I have complete confidence in my ability to make this work.

Watch this space and see if what I say is right..........