
Wednesday 8 August 2012

Website Building

Spent the whole day working on building my website. I am building it on my PC instead of online so I can experiment with images etc. I change my mind about things so often that by doing it on my PC I am not continually uploading new stuff and deleting unwanted stuff. Hopefully I will register my domain on Friday, but I don't think the website will be finished until around Tuesday, next week.

I am soooooo looking forward to getting it up and launched. I have even bought SEO site optimization software and will run the finished product through it before publishing. Each day I feel my motivation levels rising, and the keener I become to wanting to get stuck into it. I know patience is a virtue and I need to take my time and be thorough, to eliminate pitfalls on start up.

Checking the current status of my progress against my planned schedule, I find I am just over two weeks ahead of my planned launch. I can't work out whether it is because I am so driven at the moment, or whether I am having less hiccups that I imagined I would.


I feel that I deserve a reward, so tonight I might just knock off before midnight. ALLELUIA!

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