
Wednesday 17 October 2012

Creating a Work from Home Business

Creating a Work from Home Business
Part 1

Beating the Corporate Myth
Whether you work for a small business or a huge corporation, you will have (at some time) been told that you are privileged to be working for such a company. Sometimes employers tend to use this as an advantage to get their employees to increase their work performance, which does nothing in increasing the employee’s wage, but certainly raises the profit margins of the business.
How many times have you been intimidated by an employer “hinting” that you need to pick up your performance to keep your job? The trouble is, business are implementing ways and means of improving staff efficiency and performance, but do not alter  the employee’s wage or salary to reflect these improvements.
Then there are those businesses that warn of staff “cut backs” to reduce the running costs and retain their viability in a competitive market. More often than not, this is purely a scare tactic used by business to force employees to guard the job by putting in more effort.
These tactics are being implemented by nearly all businesses. It doesn’t matter whether you are employed as a counter hand at the corner deli, or in marketing of a major manufacturing company, you will always be prone to having these tactics used against you.
Job security is outdated and should always be considered as such. To top it off, your wage or salary will never truly reflect your efforts or loyalty to any company.

How do you create your own job security?
There are really only two choices available to employees. Either you tow the line and become a puppet to these companies, or you make the move towards independently creating your own source of income and job security. This may sound like an awfully large and dangerous step to take, but it’s not that difficult to achieve.
Many dissatisfied employees and now making the transition to internet marketing and eventually leaving their full time employment to work from home. Notice the word eventually used in that last sentence, because despite the hype about making an instant fortune overnight with internet marketing, it simply doesn’t happen that way. If it did, then companies would be forced into liquidation because there would be nobody for them to hire.
Many people who have quit their current jobs to open their own business, whether it be their own store or contracting business, have failed. Usually these failed businesses have cost tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars to create. Up to 85% of small businesses fail in the first year whereas only 35% fail after 10 years of being in business. This is an extremely high number of business failures in the small business sector.
Internet marketing has a much higher failure rate in the first two years, but the financial losses are negligible. The benefits of creating a home-based internet marketing business are many fold, but the most important reason is time-framing. That’s right! A much higher success rate is found amongst those people who took plenty of time to create their business. Impatience is the single biggest reason for failure in home-based internet marketing, whereas inexperience is the single biggest cause of failure in the small business sector.
A home-based internet marketing business can be created over a period of time (up to two years) which allows your level of experience to grow with your new business. This is where impatience will definitely to your business failure, IF YOU ALLOW IT TOO.
It is so easy to see why people allow impatience to become their worst enemy. They have fallen victim to the abundance of false gurus, on the internet, who claim to have the hidden secret to instant riches.

“Learn how I made $30,000 in the first month of my business. It is so easy that you too can be making this sort of money as well.”

“Let me show you the loophole I found that allows me to make a six figure income every month.”

“Take a look at the screenshot of my income for the last twelve months. You too can make this sort of money by purchasing my marketing software.” (They don't tell you that the figures show the sale of their product to people like you, not by people actually using the product)

Forget all this bull***t hype that is readily available on the internet. Forget the dream of huge instant wealth. Never believe any person that claims to absolutely guarantee your success. Instead let your commonsense prevail and guide you and listen to words of encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.

"Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.”           
~ John Quincy Adams

"Put up in a place where it’s easy to see. The cryptic admonishment, T. T. T. When you feel sometimes how slowly you climb. It’s well to remember that Things Take Time."
~ Piet Hein

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
~ Steve Jobs – Co-founder of Apple and Pixia

Take in all the information from the internet and study it closely. You will be able to decipher the absolute nonsense from the factual content. It is imperative that you start your journey on the right compass heading. There are a lot of so called mentors out there that promise to coach you to success. By all means follow them, if you have a very healthy bank balance.
Simply put, the best advice you could receive is to;
·         take your time and research before you commit
o        Document your research so that you compile your own library of “on hand” information to work with
·         if you are currently employed, start on a part-time basis
o        Take the time to build your business to a level where it is capable of replacing your current wage
·         if working on a strict budget, start using free (or affordable) software
o        Remember that you only get what you paid for. Sometimes free products are inferior in quality, but will suffice until your business creates the income to upgrade the tools of your trade
·          Accept the fact that you will have failures with some of your marketing strategies and promotions. They are inevitable.
o        When you fail at any part of your business development, stop what you are doing and analyze your failure, make the necessary changes and try again
o        Repeat the above until you succeed
·         Create accounts with multiple blogging sites. These can be a useful source of information.
o        You may even come across someone who has successfully overcome the problem you are facing.
Most importantly, never allow yourself to become distressed or complacent. Compile a document of inspirational and motivational quotes from famous and successful business people and celebrities. Most of their quotes are based on real life situations. Refer to your list of quotes on a regular basis.
It is most important to remember the reason you made the decision to enter into a home-based internet marketing business.
This alone is your motivation to succeed in creating your own job security.

If you found this article informative, then please keep your eyes open for part 2 in the series on “Creating a Work from Home Business”

This series of articles will be placed in the article archives on my website in November 2012.
Alternatively you can email me for any information on article availability.

The website is going through a stage of upgrades at the moment, so please be patient.

Next issue; Let’s get started
Includes topics on goal setting and time management

© 2012 – Income Harvests

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