
Monday 6 August 2012

Too late in life?

Okay! So I am 61 and quickly approaching the average "retirement" age for most people. As I squandered all my hard earned money during my working years on nothing but having a good time, I find myself facing retirement without any form of "nest egg". Had I known back then that I was going to spend the last 14 years on a pension, I would have led my life differently and more frugally.
I guess I have only a few years to build that nest egg that I should have built over my working years. Well! I have done the research and read all the hype on network marketing and e-marketing. I tried my hand at network marketing, but soon discovered that I am not someone who can look someone in the eye and try and convince them that they should be buying the product/s I offer.
E-marketing, on the other hand, relieves me of the discomfort and inability of selling products on a personal level. Everything is done online and I don't have to present my sales pitch face-to-face.

Once again there is a lot of hype on e-marketing by supposed "gurus" who are reportedly earning ridiculous amounts of money. Maybe it's their sales pitch and maybe some of them are honestly stating their real earnings, but I am not into e-marketing to earn an unbelievably high bank balance. I am merely trying to accumulate enough of a nest egg for my retirement.

With my business plan and strategies in place, I find myself full of confidence, desire and motivation. I have even set goals and time-frames, read all the data on e-marketing and here I am doing what I should have been doing 40 years ago.

I don't need people to wish me luck because I have complete confidence in my ability to make this work.

Watch this space and see if what I say is right..........

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