
Wednesday 5 September 2012

Repossess your life by starting an internet online marketing business, or an e-marketing business. Are you looking for a job that will change your lifestyle? An e-marketing business could well be your best hope. After all it is the fastest growing industry, IN THE WORLD

Most of us have worked a 9-5 job for a lifetime and have zip to show for it. There was a time when everyone used to dream about spending his or her retirement years in comfort, but the reality is that those times have long passed.

In the times when economic growth was at its absolute peak, in the 60's, 70's and 80's, all of this was not unrealistic. If, like me, you lived and worked during that era then you would most definitely have purchased your own home and were financially secure. As with every rule, there is always an exception, and I was one of those exceptions. Rather than build a "nest egg" for my future, I led a fast paced lifestyle, and generally spent my hard earned money on everything but my future.

Now, getting very close to what is considered the normal retirement age, I find myself with little time to replace all my squandered money. The fact is I would need a whole new lifetime of working to achieve that. Until recently, I hadn't really given it a lot of thought until I stumbled upon an article on working from home opportunities. The growth rate of this "new era" format of business may well be my securing my comfortable, retirement after all. Although I wasn't familiar with what is involved in creating such a business, I made the effort to find out everything I needed to know.

Now I have a business goal in place and have achieved a long lost sense of motivation, and find myself launching into an exciting new field. I have painstakingly built a working from home website ( and have started my first marketing campaign. I am not foolish enough to think there won’t be any stumbling blocks along the way, but I am well prepared in case I run into any.

When building my website I decided to incorporate paid membership by offering members selection of free ebooks to download, plus a selection of free video tutorials to view. I then decided to add a "Community" page where "Newbies" to any working from home venture may visit and look for help from other newbies. They can also post information to other newbies on a new and successful marketing strategy they have carried out or any other topic they wish to discuss.

~^~ I will be storing and analyzing all this newbie information on my personal database, for a new ebook that I hope to create in the future. ~^~

To all you newbies out there, I wish you prosperity with your venture, but if you are encountering problems or need assistance, perhaps you might give thought to joining our COMMUNITY

When you spend a minimum of 24% of a whole week (33% of at least 5 days) in a job that makes someone else rich, you get to thinking that "life is a bitch". Your job will have a massive impact on both your family life and social life. Most of the time you exist with little, or no, money for any form of basic luxury. Don't you think it is time for a change? Try a work from home business

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