
Thursday 23 August 2012

E-marketing - The Newbie's view point

Most people who get into e-marketing, usually do so because the have either surfed the net looking for “work from home opportunities” or have received an email promoting these opportunities.
Nearly all these people are looking for;

  •  Part time income supplement. 
  • Complete income replacement. 
  • Being able to work from home, either part time, or full time.
  • Chasing the dream of financial freedom or accumulating vast wealth.
That’s right! We have all seen the paraphernalia and online promotions that promise to ensure that you get all that. Many of us baulk at what is involved in getting started. I don’t know the percentages of people who are put off by all this and don’t proceed past the enquiry stage, but I would bet it is a high figure.

I know when I made my first attempt at getting started in e-marketing, I was so unsure of myself and my ability that I failed miserably. I was confronted with a host of things I needed to do to be successful, but knew nothing about. What I have since discovered as being something easy to master, I was intimidated by, back then

Anyone considering getting involved in e-marketing should spend time and effort in getting to know all there is to know about things like;
  •  List building. 
  • Email marketing. 
  • Writing marketing emails. 
  • Autoresponders
  •  Business plans and strategies
  •  Goal setting 
  • Website building plus keyword research and other SEO undertakings 
  • Blogging 
  • Social media marketing 
  • “Niche” marketing 
  • Article writing 
  • Creating videos
  •  Affiliate marketing.
  •  Etc; etc; etc

Time spent researching all these things prior to entry into e-marketing, will surely increase the likelihood of you succeeding.

I am still a “Newbie” in the industry, by any standard, but I have a whole new plan of attack. I have set my GOAL and spent the time researching and building my knowledge database, developing a strong business plan and strategies, researching niches within the industries, creating a website and blogs, creating a “social media marketing” program, product research, and finally, gotten started.

I can’t believe how high my motivation and self belief are with this attempt at e-marketing. I am in for the long haul and I am fully committed to achieving my personal goal. I am even going to create a “Community of Newbies” so that each community member will be able to seek or give information on overcoming the obvious hurdles that Newbies WILL encounter.
I am full documenting everything I do so that it will act a Newbie FAQ database for future e-marketing Newbies.

If you are either thinking of becoming involved in e-marketing, or have just started, get involved in the newbie community I am building. It could well be some of the best sources of help available to you. Of course the community is in its infancy now, but it could develop into a massive help centre, in time.

Successful e-marketing to you all 
from Income Harvests

Saturday 11 August 2012

Taking a break

Friday Night I decided to take a break over the weekend and do absolutely nothing for the weekend. All I can say is that I hope I am far more successful at e-marketing than I am at taking a break.
I woke up Saturday with absolutely nothing on my mind, except relaxing and spending the day with my two dogs, WRONG!

I visited a mate and found him pulling a set of shelving from his shed wall. How he hoped to achieve that without injuring or killing himself, is beyond me. I guess you can see where this is going........

Being the good Samaritan that I am, I helped him get the shelving down, only to discover that his carpentry skills are next to non-existent. So! What do I do? I go home and load my car up with all my tools and spend the rest of the day sawing, cutting, drilling, etc, until behold a new dartboard in its own cupboard set in the middle of the old shelving.

Now! Sunday morning has come, has arrived and I find myself sitting at my computer,  getting back into working on my website and re-hashing over my business plan, schedules and campaigns.
It took "taking a break" to show me that I belong in e-marketing.
Part of my Goals for my business is to be able to take a break whenever I feel like it. I guess I'll just have to wait until then.
Sorry dogs

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Website Building

Spent the whole day working on building my website. I am building it on my PC instead of online so I can experiment with images etc. I change my mind about things so often that by doing it on my PC I am not continually uploading new stuff and deleting unwanted stuff. Hopefully I will register my domain on Friday, but I don't think the website will be finished until around Tuesday, next week.

I am soooooo looking forward to getting it up and launched. I have even bought SEO site optimization software and will run the finished product through it before publishing. Each day I feel my motivation levels rising, and the keener I become to wanting to get stuck into it. I know patience is a virtue and I need to take my time and be thorough, to eliminate pitfalls on start up.

Checking the current status of my progress against my planned schedule, I find I am just over two weeks ahead of my planned launch. I can't work out whether it is because I am so driven at the moment, or whether I am having less hiccups that I imagined I would.


I feel that I deserve a reward, so tonight I might just knock off before midnight. ALLELUIA!

Monday 6 August 2012

Too late in life?

Okay! So I am 61 and quickly approaching the average "retirement" age for most people. As I squandered all my hard earned money during my working years on nothing but having a good time, I find myself facing retirement without any form of "nest egg". Had I known back then that I was going to spend the last 14 years on a pension, I would have led my life differently and more frugally.
I guess I have only a few years to build that nest egg that I should have built over my working years. Well! I have done the research and read all the hype on network marketing and e-marketing. I tried my hand at network marketing, but soon discovered that I am not someone who can look someone in the eye and try and convince them that they should be buying the product/s I offer.
E-marketing, on the other hand, relieves me of the discomfort and inability of selling products on a personal level. Everything is done online and I don't have to present my sales pitch face-to-face.

Once again there is a lot of hype on e-marketing by supposed "gurus" who are reportedly earning ridiculous amounts of money. Maybe it's their sales pitch and maybe some of them are honestly stating their real earnings, but I am not into e-marketing to earn an unbelievably high bank balance. I am merely trying to accumulate enough of a nest egg for my retirement.

With my business plan and strategies in place, I find myself full of confidence, desire and motivation. I have even set goals and time-frames, read all the data on e-marketing and here I am doing what I should have been doing 40 years ago.

I don't need people to wish me luck because I have complete confidence in my ability to make this work.

Watch this space and see if what I say is right..........